Racquets Fitness Centre, Squash Court photo #0
Racquets Fitness Centre, Squash Court photo #0

Racquets Fitness Centre, Squash Court

Location pin

Racquets Fitness Centre, North Street, Thame, OX9 3TH - 

  • Users

    Up to
    20 guests

  • Table with chairs


  • Delivery truck

    Internal Catering

Racquets is centrally located in Thame, Oxfordshire.
It has a number of rooms available for hire for parties, conferences, meetings.

We only hire our rooms for parties for members of the club and their friends or family who the member give a referral.

For conferences and meetings we are happy to hire to businesses without referral.

Our squash courts make perfect venues for bouncy castle parties for children.
Also for small classes - boxing, dance, yoga.

Capacity & layout



up to 20

Catering & drinks

Catering arrangements

Catering arrangements




Public transport

Public transport

Premises parking

Premises parking

Breakout rooms

Breakout rooms

Space rules

Allowed events


Licensed for alcohol

Cancellation policy

50% refundable 7 days before the event



  • Per Berggren

    June 2023

    I have been a member of Raquets since some years and play squash there regularly. It is a small club with a family feel to it. It has four good courts a a vibrant junior section, lots of members activities. An overall friendly and homely atmosphere. I will not hesitate to recommend the club.