Royal Pavilion, Banqueting Room photo #2
Royal Pavilion, Banqueting Room photo #3

Royal Pavilion, Banqueting Room

Location pin

Royal Pavilion 4-5 Pavilion Buildings, Brighton, BN1 1EE - 

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    Up to
    90 guests

Universally acclaimed as one of the most exotically beautiful buildings in the British Isles, the Royal Pavilion is the magnificent former seaside residence of King George IV. Decorated in the Chinese taste with an Indian exterior, this Regency palace is quite breathtaking. Restored

The elaborate Banqueting Room is highly theatrical in style, a perfect backdrop to the magnificent feasts that George IV would have offered his courtiers and guests. Lengthy banquets often included up to 70 different dishes.

Capacity & layout



up to 90



up to 90

Audio & visual

Projector & screen

Projector & screen





  • Neville Clark

    January 2024

    The heady mix of emotions stirred by a visit to one place is a bit of a shock. I am still digesting how a line of possibly mad family members had access to spend beyond their means, enjoy pleasures beyond their means and yet enjoy support of the masses. Such a knowledgeable and informative team work here it is easy to touch the past. Skills I stand in awe to admire took three hours observing. Listening to commentary on my device, taking in answers to questions and musing at the many levels of conflicting energies that eventually gave us a wonderful insight into frivolous times not that long ago. Truly a moving experience up there with the best movie. Is it Schindler's list or dare I suggest others that raise a similar number of questions of our fellow man? Fantastic place. Made even better by the staff.

  • Galina Lokshina

    February 2024

    We expected spending an hour, maybe 1½ hours there, but ended up spending almost 3 hours. No, no, don't worry, you can spend less, but it is very much possible to spend there a lot of time without noticing. Beautiful place, so many interesting details... I would only suggest to their audio guides programmer to make sure when guide tells you to press something, there must be something there instead of "nothing in this section". ;)

  • Dolly천유

    February 2024

    Amazing place! A fantastic fusion of different cultures! Really enjoy the cultural elements and diversity here, it’s a much go. Adult for £18 but it’s totally worth it!