National Museum Of The Royal Navy Portsmouth Harbour, Grand Magazine  (Gosport) photo #2
National Museum Of The Royal Navy Portsmouth Harbour, Grand Magazine  (Gosport) photo #3

National Museum Of The Royal Navy Portsmouth Harbour, Grand Magazine (Gosport)

Location pin

Victory Gate, HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, PO1 3QX - 

  • Users

    Up to
    180 guests

  • Table with chairs


  • Delivery truck

    Internal Catering

Set sail and embark on a memorable event at our Portsmouth Harbour site. Our Portsmouth Harbour site is made up of 4 venues in Portsmouth - the pride of Queen’s Victoria’s fleet - HMS Warrior, The HMS Victory, The National Museum of the Royal Navy and Action Stations and only a few minutes boat ride away is our 2 Gosport venues - The Royal Submarine Museum and Explosion Museum of Naval Firepower.

Explore the fascinating and powerful world of naval warfare at the award-winning Explosion Museum of Naval Firepower. For a more unusual conference venue, or a beautiful dinner space, try exclusive hire of the stunning 18th century Grand Magazine, a gunpowder store originating from 1771. The space boasts a magnificent vaulted ceiling and beautiful Georgian wood floors that could hold up to 4500 barrels of gunpowder in its heyday and supplied HMS Victory for the Battle of Trafalgar

Capacity & layout



up to 180



up to 150



up to 150

Catering & drinks

Catering arrangements

Catering arrangements

Catering facilities

Catering facilities


Public transport

Public transport

Premises parking

Premises parking

Overnight accommodation

Overnight accommodation

Breakout rooms

Breakout rooms

Space rules

Allowed events


Wedding ceremony licence



  • Mick Pelling

    April 2024

    An amazing vessel, better I think than the Victory, over the years I have visited 3 times, today's visit was enhanced by a midshipman, explaining about life, and gunnery on the ship....fascinating Got on the Warrior early, before the crowds, so could enjoy the visit entirely

  • Paul Petyt

    May 2024

    HMS Warrior is a maritime marvel! Stepping aboard this beautifully restored ship is like stepping back in time. The attention to detail in its preservation is commendable. Informative guides provide fascinating insights into naval life. A must-visit for history buffs. Truly a highlight of Portsmouth's maritime heritage!

  • Delia Scaccianoce

    March 2024

    This tour was freaking cool. Best of all were the actors -(NPC like) playing as official crew members of the ship. They stayed in character all the time explaining all the tiny details and being super kind and engaging. Loved it ✨👌

  • Chris King

    March 2024

    This is one HUGE ship. Part of the Historic Dockards experience, which ain't cheap but well worth it. You're free to wander around the numerous decks and explore and there are live characters to interact with and inform you of life aboard.