Social distancing. Flattening the curve. The R-rate. Wind the clock back a few months and we’re confident that you wouldn’t have used these phrases before… unless you’re an epidemoligist.
COVID-19 has changed all of this. Barely a day has gone by during this pandemic without talk of PPE and antibody tests and ‘roadmap’ strategies. But what does all of this stuff actually mean? And how does it fit into a hospitality context?
If you work in the events industry and need any COVID-related clarity, we hope this glossary of terms – set up in a Q&A format – will help.
What is a 3D Virtual Tour?
An interactive tool that allows potential customers to look around your venue without physically having to pay a visit. Event organisers can navigate their way through a venue, view floorplans and see the space in a ‘dolls house’ format. 3D Tours can reach people who want to plan events again, but are reluctant to travel unless it’s essential.

3D Tours can be used on a venue’s website, social media and third-party listing sites.
What is a COVID-secure venue?
A venue that has taken every step available to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, therefore minimising the threat to staff and customers, can be classed as COVID-secure. To make sure that a venue you’re working at – or hoping to visit – is COVID-secure, it will need to meet a number of social distancing regulations. Read our tips on how to stay safe here.
What is the Eat Out to Help Out scheme? How do I apply for it?
Eat Out to Help Out should see a surge of people visiting venues that sell food next month. Available every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in August, venues selling food and non-alcoholic drinks can offer a 50% discount up to a maximum value of £10 per person. Venues will be able to claim the money back from the government afterwards.
The scheme is open to “any business that sells food for immediate consumption on their premises” and you can apply to take part here. Having your Government Gateway ID, the name and address of each venue you want to register, and the bank account number / sort code for your business should help the process to run smoothly.

Picture: @RishiSunak via Twitter.
How often should I wash my hands while at an event?
Aim to wash your hands once every hour at a minimum. The government have said that you need to wash them with soap and water for 20 seconds each time.
What is a hybrid event?
This is a meeting, conference, party or other function attended by both physical and online audiences. If you’ve been on a zoom call during lockdown where you’ve held a quiz with your parents or watched the football with your friends, you’ve already experienced a hybrid event first-hand.
Planning a hybrid event gives you the flexibility to accommodate an audience both in-person and, for those who might not feel comfortable attending yet, online.
Can pubs show live sport?
Yes, venues are allowed to show sport as long as it’s been factored into their risk assessment prior to re-opening. It will be a different experience though. Government guidance says that live sport shouldn’t be shown if it’s going to encourage shouting and chanting. Embracing a friend when your team score a late goal is a definite no, as well.

Watching football at the pub is permitted, as long as social distancing regulations are in place. Picture: Yasin Alsbey via Unsplash.
What is a staff bubble?
Some venues on our platform have brought in ‘staff bubbles’ or ‘staff families’, which means that staff work with the same colleagues for every shift. Doing so reduces the amount of people that one of your members of staff has to come into contact with.
How does a venue use test and trace?
A venue should record the contact details of everyone who attends their space, whether they’re coming for a casual pint with their friends or a full-scale conference with work. A list of attendees – and a seating plan, if possible – should be kept by a venue for 21 days after the visit. If someone subsequently tests positive for COVID, the venue and event organiser must let each other know, so that the test and trace system can alert those who were in close contact with the infected person.
How will the VAT cuts benefit hospitality?
On 8th July, Rishi Sunak announced that VAT would be temporarily cut from 20% to 5% for the hospitality sector. The move has been brought in to protect jobs and will run until 12th January, 2021. Restaurants, pubs, bars and cafes will be able to benefit on sales of food and non-alcoholic drinks, and there’s also relief for suppliers of accommodation and attractions in the UK. More details are here.
What is a virtual event?
A meeting, conference, panel discussion or party that takes place featuring an online audience. There was a surge of popularity in virtual events during the lockdown, and some businesses are likely to continue staging their events online while COVID makes mass gatherings impractical. Learn how to host a virtual event here.

Virtual events have grown in popularity since lockdown began.